5 Easy DIY Homemade Ferret Toys You Can Make Now

As a ferret owner if you looking for some fast and easy DIY homemade ferret toys then you have come to the right place.

Due to the curious playful and socially active nature of the ferrets, they easily get bored. And you always can’t be available to take your furry friend for a walk or anything.

So, DIY homemade ferret toys are the best option to keep engaging, exciting, and healthy for your furry friend.

In this article, I will be talking about 5 easy homemade ferret toys that you can make at your home with special material requirements.

So, make sure to read till the end.

Mentioning 5 easy homemade ferret toys – full detailed guide

Toys are one the best ways to keep engaged ferrets and satisfy their curious nature. To add more fun and excitement, you can also make ferrets participate in funny games with the toys.

Following are the easy DIY homemade toys for ferrets. You can choose one or more at a time depending upon the number of ferrets and space you have at your place.

Ferret Ball pit

Ferret Ball pit is among the most easy-to-go homemade ferret toys. It’s easy to make any time and anywhere with no special skill requirements.

DIY homemade ferret toys

To make a ferret call pit, you will need a soft plastic box of the desired size and fill it with plastic balls of multiple colors.

Ferrets enjoy jumping, lying, and sitting on the balls. It’s a very engaging ferret toy that you can turn to at any time. The multiple colors of plastic balls give a next-level look and adventure to your ferrets.

Ferret Hanging Sock toy

It’s a straightforward and easy DIY homemade ferret toy that can engage your ferret for longer.

To make ferret ferret hanging sock toy you will need a golf ball, a sock, and thread. Put the golf ball in socks tie it with a threat and hang it from the ceiling or object with height.

This is the best DIY ferret toys as your furry friend will try to catch the toy which keeps him/her busy for a longer time.

You can always make it from scratch and with a changing potion of tying the sock filled with the ball.


Without a doubt, Maze is a great DIY ferret toys option for furry friends. It also involves your ferrets mentally along with physically.

DIY homemade ferret toys

There are no special requirements to make the maze for your ferrets. You will need a box (it could be wood, hard paper, or plastic ), PVC pipes, and your creativity.

To make the maze toy for your ferrets, make 2 to 4 holes on the sides of the box and fit the PVC pipes into it. This will create a tunnel within the box through which your furry friend will pass.

As the inner of the tunnel will be darker it will create curiosity in ferrets to decide where to pass from. Your ferrets will love this busy enjoyment.

Ferret Dig box

Ferrets are highly curious and active animals which makes them always explore the unknown.

Digging is among the top activities that satisfy the ferret’s curiosity and that align with the ferret dig box toy. To create a DIY ferret dig box at home you will following things:

  • A big and strong box (either plastic or wood)
  • Sharp box cutter
  • dried beans, rice, or sand

Make a hole in the lid of the box using the cutter, make sure the size of the hole is enough that your ferrets can pass through it.

Then partially fill the box with dried beans, rice, or sand and close the lid and your ferret dig box is ready.

Your furry friend will poke through the hole which will keep and engage him/her and this will go on for a longer time. Ferret Dig Box is an easy and fast DIY homemade ferret cage that you should give a shot.

Ferret Chew Toy

Apart from digging ferrets also like to chew various home objects to meet his curiosity and activeness. There is the possibility that they could chew your important documents, clothes, and more.

DIY homemade ferret toys

So, it’s best to give a chew toy to your ferrets. Chew Toy for ferrets doesn’t need to be any specific or standard matching.

There are various chew toy options you can go for like old show without laces, softball under paperbox, and more.

Can ferrets chew on cardboard?

As mentioned above, ferrets are inquisitive, and active creatures this is also the reason for ferrets’s chewing.

Ferrets like chewing it doesn’t mean you can give them anything to chew. So, it’s important to note and track your ferrets whenever he or she chew anything.

The inner cardboard tubes from kitchen rolls could be good objects for ferrets to tear and throw around.

However, you should strictly supervise your ferret chewing and ensure they don’t swallow any of the tube pieces.

Baby toys for ferrets

Yes, ferrts can also enjoy human baby toys and if you have toys for any baby in the house then it could be used for both. Sounds cool?

Toys made for human babies, such as small soft toys, and teething rings could be great fun to wrestle and roll around.

Just make sure your ferret isn’t angry already otherwise he or she might throw, chew, or tear the toys of human babies.

Ferret toys for cage

If your ferret gets bored from the cage setup then there are chances that he/she will look dull or annoyed. This situation doesn’t go with the ferret’s personality.

So, to keep excited, engaging, and entertaining your furry friends, ferret cage toys could be the best and most effective way.

You can put colorful soft rubber balls and semi-hard plastic balls into the cage of your ferret. This keeps him/her excited and engaged.

However, you will be glad to know that you can create ferret cages at home as well along with ferret toys. So, it is all up to you to decide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What can I give my ferret to play with?

You can give rubber balls, plastic balls, toilet paper rolls, and more to your ferrets for playing.

What toys can ferrets chew on?

Hard plastic toys like PVC pipes and plastic ferret tunnels are toys that ferrets can chew on.

Do ferrets like to run about balls?

Yes, ferrets love chasing toys, like they like to run after moving balls.

Can ferrets play with baby toys?

Yes, ferrets enjoy a lot playing with baby toys.


I have mentioned 5 easy DIY homemade ferret toys. You can make one or multiple at a time to entertain and engage your ferrets.

These are very easy and less time-consuming DIY ferret toys. You can make it at your home with less to zero special skills and equipment requirements.

Still, if you have any questions or doubts, feel free to comment.

Thanks for your time!

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