Baby Ferrets Complete Guidance- Raising Happy and Healthy Kits (April 2025)

Baby ferrets are the most gorgeous and delicate animals. They need proper attention and a favorable environment to live.

If your furry friend expecting baby ferrets and you don’t know how to deal with it, then this guidance is for you.

In this article, I will be talking about baby ferret care, food, cost, food, common illness or disease, mature age, and much more.

This article will help you own your baby ferrets through the breeding of your ferrets. So, make sure to read till the end.

What are baby ferrets called?- Baby ferrets complete guidance

Newborn or baby ferrets are called kits up to 6-8 weeks of birth date and mother ferrets are known as jills. They are very fragile and soft that’s why they are highly loved by owners a lot.

Baby ferrets are dependent on their mother for food, nutrition, care, and affection, no matter if they are in the wild or as home pets.

baby ferrets complete guidance

As a ferret owner, you have to provide great surroundings, and bedding to both mother ferret and baby ferret.

Probably the most important thing is to give extremely rich nutritional food to your ferret. It will help her feed their baby ferrets all the required nutrition as they are totally dependent on their mother.

A baby ferret is born with dimensions of 2-3 inches in length and 6 to 12 grams of weight.

Baby ferrets are very fast to gain weight, by the end of their weeks their weight lies between 100 and 150 grams.

When do ferret babies open their eyes?

As discussed above, baby ferrets are dependent on their mothers for a few weeks because their eyes and ears are sealed shut. So, they need maternal care and guidance extensively.

For the first 4 to 5 weeks, they live totally around their mother. After that, they begin to open their eyes and roam around.

By this time they start eating thiet natural food other than mother ferret feeding.

How much do baby ferrets cost?

The cost of baby ferrets depends upon where you are buying from. The major places where you can buy baby ferrets are pet stores, ferret breeders, and even ferret owners.

At pet stores, baby ferrets cost $60-200. Ferret breeders usually charge $150-500 for baby ferrets, while ferret owners, ask $100-300.

It’s important to note that it is only the price of baby ferrets. The expenses are separate like food, vet care, toys, bedding, cages, and more.

How to care for a baby ferret?

Up to 4-6 weeks baby ferrets in under his/her mother’s supervision. But, after when they open their eyes and start living free from their mother’s independence they need full care supervision.

Ferrets are extremely curious and playful animals so are baby ferrets. This means there are higher chance they will indulge in things where they shouldn’t be.

In such cases, strong supervision and a ferret-proof place are the only solutions. Remove all kinds of plastic, rubber, and wood from the reach of a baby ferret.

When it comes to newborn ferret care, observe their playing, sleeping, and eating patterns and align them with vet guidance.

If you notice any changes in the pattern of three things then contact your vet immediately. It may be a sign of sickness in baby ferrets.

What to feed to baby ferrets?

A newborn ferret will only require the mother’s milk for up to the first 4-6 weeks, it is the only source of nutrition in ferrets.

Mother ferret milk contains all the nutrients and minerals needed by baby ferrets for their quick growth and strength.

baby ferrets complete guidance

After giving birth Jills body is capable enough to produce the required milk for feeding their kits. Once newborns cross the period of one month they start having teeth which make them eat.

After 8 weeks the teeth of baby ferrets are fully grown now they can eat solid foods. Raw meat and eggs can be their starting food as they are carnivore animals.

Also, by that time they don’t require much care or attention from you.

Do baby ferrets need water?

No, baby ferrets do not require water for up to 6 to 8 weeks. All body requirement of a newborn baby is fully taken care of by mother ferrets including water and all kinds of nutrition.

Once the age of baby ferrets crosses 8 weeks then they start drinking like any other ferrets.

However, if you give water to your baby ferrets before the standard time then there is a risk of pneumonia.

Should I vaccinate my baby ferret?

It depends on where you get your baby ferret from.

If baby ferrets are bought from Marshall Ferret or a pet store then they are already given canine distemper vaccination.

However, if your ferret was bought from a private breeder, ask what vaccination was given to him/her and what vaccinations need to be given afterward.

Veterinarians recommend that a ferret need to be given rabies vaccination after 12 weeks from birth. Then it would be annually.

What does a ferret look like as a baby?

A baby ferret is born without hair coating. They are small and fragile so it require attention to handle them.

After birth, the body of the baby ferrets is covered with a thin and small layer of the fuzz which their body.

The eyes and ears of the baby ferrets are shut which makes them blind and dumb. This is why they are fully dependent on their mother.

When can you touch baby ferrets?

When baby ferrets start opening their eyes and ears then, you can touch them. It usually takes them 6 weeks to get open both of these body parts.

During this time the dependency of the baby ferrets starts decreasing from the mother ferrets.

Are ferrets born deaf?

The ears of ferrets are locked closed during birth so they are called born deaf. It takes between one to one & half months to get it open.

After this time, they start behaving like any normal ferrets.

What are the stages of baby ferrets?

There are various stages of baby ferrets. From the day of birth to the next few days and weeks a lot of transformation occurs in the baby ferrets.

These stages of baby ferrets are mentioned below:

  • Birth: Ferrets are born weighing 10–12 grams, with packed eyes and ears.
  • 1–2 days: Baby ferrets grow “peach fuzz” fur.
  • 10 days: Baby ferrets will achieve triple their birth weight, reaching about 30 grams.
  • 3 weeks: Baby will start gaining about 6 grams daily, and be at least 10-15 times heavier than when they were born.
  • 4 weeks: Baby or microferret weighs around 200 grams, and starts to explore its surroundings blindly.
  • 4–5 weeks: By this time they develop baby hair, and their eyes and ears open.

Common illnesses in baby ferrets

I know it’s unpleasant to hear but it’s true that your baby ferrets get sick. Knowing illness is a more appropriate thing rather than wondering what happens to your newborn ferrets.

Baby ferrets complete guidance

No matter whether you buy from a private breeder or pet store your ferret may not always be healthy.

The most common illnesses in baby ferrets are as follows:

  • Eye discharge
  • Prolapsed rectum
  • Ear mites
  • Respiratory infection
  • ECE
  • Stomach disturbance

Here, ECE stands for Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis. It is the most dangerous disease that your baby ferret can infected with. Also, it’s highly contagious.

If your ferret is vomiting and being extremely lethargic then it is a strong symptom of ECE. Green and slimy diarrhea also take place when baby ferrets infected with ECE

Are baby ferrets quiet?

No, they are not quiet animals, baby ferrets make a lot of sounds. Like any adult ferrets, newborn ferrets also sleep a lot.

But, when they wake up then they either hunt for food or their mother. In both cases, they make a lot of sound. Whaahing is the name of the sound that a baby ferret creates.

Are baby ferrets good pets?

Yes, they are very adorable animal creatures. They love roaming around with their mother.

Up to 6-8 weeks, baby ferrets are taken by mother ferrets. So, you are also free from early care of this lovely pet.

All you need to take proper care of the food, health, and bedding of the mother of the baby ferrets.

When does a baby ferret become mature?

The maturity of the newborn ferret is dependent on various factors like gender, age, and health.

A male ferret usually matures between 8 to 12 months, contact your for the conformation. However, a female ferret matures between 6 to 8 months.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are baby ferrets called?

Baby ferrets (less than 1 year) are kits

What is a bundle of ferrets called?

A group of ferrets is called a business. Years ago, hunters used ferrets to hunt rabbits.

When will the mother ferret wean baby ferrets?

Mother ferret wean their baby between 6 to 8 weeks. After this time the baby ferret starts eating solid food.

Are baby ferrets called kittens?

No, baby ferrets are called kits.

When do baby ferrets eat solids?

After 8 weeks of birth baby ferrets can eat solids.


Now, you have been through baby ferrets complete guidance.

The newborn ferret is dependent on the mother up to 6-8 weeks of birth. Up to this time, their ear and eyes are closed so their mother is only their strength in everything.

During this time baby ferrets only drink the mother ferrets milk. They get all the nutrition requirements through milk feeding.

Once the dependency of newborn ferrets is complete on their mother then, they start eating solid foods like meats, eggs, and prey.

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