Can a Ferret Kill a Cat?

If you are thinking of adding ferrets to your home pet cat then you might be thinking, Can a ferret kill a cat? Well, there is no direct yes or no to this question.

You already love and care about your cat and the idea of owning a ferret makes you uncomfortable which is completely fine.

In this article, I will cover everything about living a ferret and a cat together. Also, I will provide you with some crucial tips that will help you to cope with them in the most easy and effective.

Most, importantly, I will share my personal experience of having both a ferret and a cat. How does the ferret vs cat or cat vs ferret fight take place and who over others.

Can a ferret kill a cat?

A ferret kills a cat in rare situations and as a cat owner, you must know of this.

When the cat is a kitten and the ferret is a large male, then there are higher chances that your ferret might look kitten as food.

Can a ferret kill a cat?
A ferret and a cat together

However, when the cat is large and has great power and stamina, then your question is, Can a ferret kill a cat? will be answered as a big no.

Other than physical factors there is also the personality type of ferret that decides how dangerous is ferret to your cat.

Usually, when a ferret of short temper and aggressive nature, the size of the cat doesn’t matter. In such cases, your cat’s life is always at risk.

Do ferrets and cats get along?

Yes, ferrets and cats live together, but it’s a process of patience for you as well as for them. Don’t be hurry or get trusted when you’re introducing a ferret to your cat or vice-versa.

It could take a few to some interaction under supervision for them to know and understand each other. Below are some important ways through which you can ensure the safety of your pet.

  • Start interacting with your cat to the ferret while keeping them in different cages.
  • Allow your cat to watch and smell the ferret while you hold them separately.
  • Put one into a cage and one freely.
  • Then, you can leave them freely under tight supervision.

By repeating these steps one by one for a few weeks, you can easily make them comfortable to live together. I have also followed these steps for my pet and it worked so well.

Do cats like ferrets?

Unlike ferrets and rabbits, cats and ferrets are in several ways which make them like each other. They are both carnivores, hunters, and crepuscular.

More often both cats and ferrets exhibit similar behavior and if you have watched your pets closely you will know this. Both are predators with a great defensive nature.

Both creatures actively participate in “play fighting” rather than the real thing. So, yeah cats like ferrets.

The likelihood of them majorly depends on the following factors:

  • Respective ages of cats and ferrets
  • How closely they have been supervised
  • The individual temperaments of both pets
  • How both are introduced to each other
  • The space of each pet

Is a ferret smarter than a cat?

There is no direct answer to whether a ferret is smarter than a cat. So I will be comparing them on several parameters before saying which is smarter.

Below are the important parameters to decide who is smarter.

Ability to Communicate with the Owner

A ferret communicates with the owner via scent and various body languages and as a new ferret owner, you must understand this. On the other hand, cat uses verbal communication more than body language.

Other pets like dogs express themselves via their eyes, faces, and mouths which an owner easily can understand. Also, it’s true that dogs can also be dangerous to ferrets.

Problem-Solving Ability

You would be glad to know that ferrets are ranked higher than cats and dogs in solving problems. So, it’s a big plus point for you to build a great bond with your ferret.

Whenever a ferret is stuck in any problem then he/she can figure it out without any help or assistance.

Memory Retention

Ferrets ranked between cats and dogs in memory retention power. So, it is safe to say both cats and ferrets have nearly the same memory retention.

Are ferrets dangerous?

You indeed love and care about your ferret, but you should also be aware of the other side of your lovely pet ferret.

Can a ferret kill a cat?
A ferret and a cat staring

A ferret is a carnivore creature which means it has sharp teeth. Ferret bite can become a serious thing, especially when your ferret is unvaccinated. Germs easily can spread from your pet’s bites and scratches even if they don’t seem too serious.

Your children are majorly at risk from ferret bites. So, you can take a chance on any kind of ferret bite and scratches.

Are ferrets aggressive to cats?

Ferrets are curious, socially active, and playful animals. Their nature could match your cats. Both ferret and cat develop bonds by doing activities like chasing toys, climbing hard heights, and sharing food.

The fact is both of them are predators and their fight can be dangerous.

Your ferret could annoyed by the unwanted involvement of your cat and sometimes it could turn life-threatening for the cat.

So, you must be aware of the personality of your ferret so that you can manage them safely and your cat can live safely.

Who would win in a fight cat or ferret?

Are you wondering, “Ferret vs. Cat, who would win?” Well, there is no direct answer to whether a cat or a ferret will win.

Which of them will win depends on the following factors:

  • Sizes of both pet
  • The personality types of both cats and ferrets
  • How well they’ve cared
  • Sight and hearing power
  • Strength of smell
  • Play fighting

Majorly, the cat fought and won against the ferret by hissing, staring, and scratching, since the Cat has stronger sight and hearing power On the other hand, ferrets possess stronger smell capacity which they leverage in fighting cats.

There is a general thing, predators usually don’t attack on another predator. Here, both pets are predators, and depending on their respective sizes and natures they do attack each other.

If the cat and ferret are fully grown, and the cat vs ferret fight happens, then who would win?

It’s, usually, the cat who will win because of its bigger size and higher physical strength. However, it’s also true that a ferret can easily attack and win over a kitten.

Do ferrets eat cats?

No, ferrets can’t eat cats, it’s true that both can fight intensively and even kill each other.

A young male ferret could be the most dangerous ferret, and it easily attacks and kills a kitten. But, eating a cat isn’t possible.

Can a ferret kill a cat?
A ferret and a cat

Last year, even under supervision my young ferret almost attacked my new pet cat. The best thing was I handled it before it got too late. After this incident, I’m on high alert whenever I leave them in an open space.

So, ferrets don’t eat cats, however, there could be an exception. Depending upon the nature of an individual ferret.

Can a ferret kill a human?

No, a ferret can’t kill a human. It’s true that a ferret attacks humans by biting, jumping over, and scratching.

Unfortunately, most ferrets in the United States come from a ferret mill. Usually, the company doesn’t care about training, health, or where the ferrets end up.

There is also some time when a ferret attacks its owner because he/she isn’t getting desired food or not gaining attention from the owner.

So, it would be best to start training your ferret from the beginning so that it can’t attack you.


Can a ferret live with a cat?

Yes, a ferret can live with a cat with proper training and supervision.

Will a ferret kill a cat?

Yes, a ferret is capable of killing a cat.

Are ferrets afraid of cats?

No, ferrets can make a good bond and live with multiple cats.

Should I get a ferret if I have a cat?

Yes, you can bring a ferret while having a cat already.

Are cats and ferrets enemies?

No, in major cases they both share great companionship over some time.


Now you know- can a ferret kill a cat?

In major cases, it’s not practically possible that a ferret could kill a ferret. However, an exception is always there.

A ferret can attack a kitten, but a fully grown cat has great defense to deal with ferret attacks.

Since both cats and ferrets are of the same predator nature there is very little possibility of a ferret killing a cat.

But, a cat has the great advantage of stronger sight and hearing capability over a ferret. It plays a vital role in winning battles ferret vs cat.

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