Considering the playful nature of ferrets you might ask- can ferrets climb trees?
Yes, ferrets can climb trees. In this article, you will get full insight into ferret climbing behavior. Like, as do ferrets like to climb, the risks of ferrets climbing, what ferrets can’t climb, and more.
So, make sure to read till the end.
Ferrets are master climbers, master jumpers, and master escape-artists.
Content List
- 1 Can ferrets climb trees?
- 2 Do ferrets like to climb trees?
- 3 Why do ferrets like to climb?
- 4 Are ferrets good climbers?
- 5 What can ferrets climb?
- 6 Can ferrets climb walls?
- 7 Can ferrets climb fences?
- 8 Risk of ferrets climbing trees
- 9 Should you stop your ferret from climbing trees?
- 10 How high can ferrets climb?
- 11 How do you stop ferrets from climbing?
- 12 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 13 Conclusion
Can ferrets climb trees?
Ferrets are highly curious, active, and playful animals. They love exploring places, it can be through running, digging, and even digging.
This nature makes ferrets master climbers. They climb on the trees, stay on the tree, and even run. So, if you’re a new ferret owner then don’t get panic or worried about it.
Ferrets are highly flexible with lightweight which makes it easier for them to climb on the trees.
Do ferrets like to climb trees?
Before going into the likeness, have you ever thought- do ferrets climb trees? The answer is they do climb trees but it’s not possible for all ferrets. Now, get back to the real question.
Yes, ferrets like a lot to climb the trees. Climbing aligns with the true nature of the ferret so they love doing it.
If your ferrets aren’t showing interest in climbing then there is a higher chance he/she has any problems. Maybe your pet is injured or has some internal body issues.
Instead of finding out why your furry friend is not climbing trees, you should contact your vet as soon as possible.
However, ferrets face challenges in getting down. There are chances of falling due to slipping or lack of grip, but such things don’t take place often.
Why do ferrets like to climb?
Ferrets can climb trees, and ferrets like climbing trees now the question will be why do ferrets like to climb?
Well, there are multiple reasons why ferrets love climbing. The major reasons are mentioned below.
Physical stimulation
Ferrets are highly active animals which makes them involved more in physical activities. Climbing involves lots of physical activities which ferrets need.
Other than they love doing running, jumping, digging, and exploring new places. These activities are also fully physical.
When ferrets don’t have a climbing option they do these activities to fulfill their physical stimulation. Exploring new places makes ferrets enter into many tiny places.
You must have noticed this with your furry friend. It gives satisfaction to your pet.
Ferrets are not among those animal creatures who are slow and involved less in any physical activities.
After sleeping for 14-16 hours ferrets have two things to do. First to have their food and the second one is to be involved in their natural activities.
Ferret is very happy and excited when they get a chance to do their favorite activity. Climbing is one of their favorite activities.
Health and activeness
Climbing involves the full body of the ferret. From bones to muscles and blood to internal organs, all participate in the climbing of ferrets.
Bones and muscles get stretched during climbing which is great for their fitness. Blood circulation gets high during climbing and the quality of ferret blood also improves.
The fitness of this organ keeps your ferret healthy and active which also makes your pet disease-free.
Are ferrets good climbers?
Knowing the answer- can ferrets climb trees? led to the question of how good are ferret at climbing. Most of the ferrets are good climbers. They have sharp and strong grips that help them to hold and climb.
There are very few ferrets who aren’t into climbing depending on personality types. However, there are few cases in which even a fully healthy find it hard to climb.
Old age(above 4 years) ferrets find it hard to climb trees or high walls. Their strength and grip get weaker as compared to the young ones.
But, old age ferrets can climb short-height walls and cages. So, the answer to- are ferrets good climbers- depending on their age and health.
What can ferrets climb?
What can ferrets climb?- It depends upon various factors including the age, the health of the ferret, and the height where ferret needs to climb.
A fit ferret can climb trees, walls, doors, bookshelves, and even Christmas trees. They can climb to these objects out of curiosity or even in search of food.
Your pet can climb on your leg when you are standing or even sitting. So, depending on the nature of your ferret you must have supervision.
You never when your pet started chewing your books, Christmas tree, and even the door.
Can ferrets climb walls?
Yes, ferrets can climb the wall. The sharp nails, flexible body, and light body weight enable ferrets to climb.

When there are enough gaps and roughness between the brick of the wall then makes it much easier for ferrets to climb.
However, there are height limitations for ferrets climbing the wall. Ideally, ferrets can climb up to a 5-foot wall.
The other limitation is the surface quality of the wall. If the wall is too soft and smooth then it makes it hard for ferrets to have a grip and climb.
Can ferrets climb fences?
Yes, they climb fences.
Usually, the height of the fences (3-5 feet) is under the climbing capacity of the ferret. So, they will easily jump and climb the fences.
Once my pet climbed and crossed the fence in my backyard. I wasn’t at home but the good thing that happened was that my neighbor noticed it.
I saved my ferret from any kind of loss as he was roaming on the road after climbing through fences.
Risk of ferrets climbing trees
Ferrets can climb trees it’s their capability but, it also involves some risks as well. Here, we will discuss the major risks of ferrets climbing the trees.
No, doubt ferrets have a highly flexible body but, it can’t save them in all conditions. Ferrets are highly active and playful animals.
So, they are always excited while running, jumping, and even climbing trees. So, there are changes of losing grips.
In such cases, your pet may suffer from neck-to-leg bone dislocation. These are quite painful so contacting the vet is the only solution.
If your ferret starts climbing higher tree heights then it also carries higher risks.
It has been observed that ferrets have slipped from the branches of the trees. In such cases, a minor to major injury may occur, like skin damage due to scratches, and more.
It would be the worst case if your ferret fell from the height of the tree. Depending on the height of the tree and the falling pose of the ferret, there are chances of cracking bones.
If your furry friend fell from the head then the skull and teeth may crack. If your pet falls from the front body side then his/her axial skeleton will break.
So, being a ferret you just need to be aware of these things.
Should you stop your ferret from climbing trees?
See, there is no direct answer to this question. There are various factors upon which its answer is dependent.
The first one is the height of the tree. If it’s more than 5-7 feet then you must stop your ferret from claiming the tree.
The second one is the age of the ferret. Ferrets over the age of 4 years are considered to be old age ferrets, they have a relatively weeker grip over a branch of the tree which increases the chance of an accident.
So, taking care of these points will give you clarity for stopping ferrets from climbing.
How high can ferrets climb?
Are you wondering- what height can the average ferret climb?
Ideally, if the ferret is young or adult and there are good grip for climbing and getting down then they can climb up to 10-12 feet.
Most of the ferrets find it challenging to get down. There are higher chances of injury in such a scenario.
How do you stop ferrets from climbing?
Knowing- do ferrets climb trees? —leads to the owner’s concern. As a ferret owner, I know you wouldn’t want your pet to get injured. In such a case, you might be looking for ways to stop your furry friends from climbing.

Being a ferret owner myself I have faced ferret climbing challenges, risks, and more. So, below are the major steps you need to do to stop ferret climbing.
Ferret proof door
The door is the most common thing where ferrets start climbing. There are two major risks for your pet when he/she climbs.
The first one is the height of the ferret which is usually more than 5 feet so it’s risky for the ferret to climb.
The other one is the smoothness of the door. Ferret can’t find enough grip over smooth door surfaces which increases the chances of falling.
So, make your door ferret-proof by closing. Also, place things around the door (when it is open) so that the ferret can’t find space to attempt climbing.
Ferret proof room
Transform your living room fully into a ferret room. Other than climbing ferrets also love chewing so there is always a high risk of getting damage to your thing.
Ferret can climb on the couch, bookshelf, almirah, etc. So, always make a room like there is nothing your pet can climb on.
Use multistory cage
A cage with enough height and space is very great for ferrets. Such a combination can be found in multistory cages.
This will give enough space for ferrets to roam, run, and climb. If your ferret is enjoying in a cage then it becomes a lesser chance he/she will climb over another thing during free time.
So, the injury of ferret or destruction of your thing decreases in such a case.
Strong supervision
No matter if you have made a proof room, or the door, or gifted a multi-story cage to your ferret you will always need strong supervision.
The extremely curious nature of ferrets makes them enter, dig, climb, etc in any possible place and time.
So, you never know when your ferret will start climbing. Having supervision is the ultimate solution.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can ferrets climb like cats?
No, ferrets climbing is different from cats.
Can ferrets climb the gate?
Yes, they can climb the gate.
What are ferrets good at?
Solving problems and facing challenges are two great qualities of ferrets.
Now, you know- can ferrets climb trees?
Ferrets love climbing and they are well capable of climbing in trees. Their extremely playful and curious nature makes them explore new places.
However, ferrets find it challenging to get from the trees. Apart from the tree ferrets can climb on the door, fences, cages, etc.