As a ferret owner, you may wonder- can ferrets die from loneliness?
And the clear and direct answer is yes ferrets can die from loneliness. Like any human, your furry friend also needs emotional balance.
Sometimes they may lose this balance and get into loneliness and other emotional and mental challenges which result in death for ferrets.
In this article, I will discuss ferret loneliness, signs of loneliness in ferrets, how to stop loneliness in ferrets, and more.
So, make sure you read till the end for full knowledge about loneliness in ferrets.
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Can ferrets die from loneliness?
Yes, ferrets can die from loneliness because they sleep up to 16 hours and when they are awake they need human attention.

So, if you’re planning to own a ferret or already have one then you must give some time and engagement to your furry friend for his/her better mental health.
Around 7 months ago my furry friend was suffering from loneliness and it’s great that I checked on him at the right time. With proper ferret veterinarian treatment and suggestions, my pet fully recovered.
Ferrets love to be surrounded by human interaction and you can do it by vaccinating your ferret at regular times.
For any reason, if you don’t give enough attention to your ferret then they start feeling low and lonely. This results in an extremely hollow feeling to your ferret which may cause the death of your pet ferret.
Below is a discussion of the signs of loneliness in ferrets.
How do I know if my ferret is lonely? Signs of loneliness in ferrets
Ferret suffering from loneliness is one thing knowing about it is another thing and probably more crucial.

Your ferret will exhibit various symptoms and behaviors if he/she is under loneliness. The most commonly known signs of loneliness in ferrets are the following:
- Increase in sleeping duration
- Decrease in activity engagement
- Decrease food eating
- Increased self-licking behavior
- Weight loss
- Loose interest in human interaction
- Loose body and lower energy
In case you have noticed any of the above-mentioned points in your furry friend then contact your ferret veterinarian immediately.
This will help your ferret to recover soon without any serious situation. Again, be careful your ignorance can be highly damageful and even life-threatening to your furry friend.
So, be attentive and aware of your ferret’s health, look, body language, energy level, and most importantly mental health.
Factors making ferrets happy and prevent loneliness in ferrets
As a new or old ferret owner, you must know about the factors that make your ferret happy and keep away from loneliness.
Mentioning all the inevitable factors that helped your furry friend to be in good sanity and health. So, let’s explore- can ferrets die from loneliness?
Proper Diet Plan
As ferrets are carnivore animals you need to provide them a proper rich nutritional food consisting of protein, fats, and taurine.
Just make sure you are providing a balanced diet and for the right ferret diet, you should consult your veterinarian. Once the ferret is happy with the diet then he/she will be healthy and high in energy.
Always provide a surprise treat to your pet ferret twice or thrice a week this will keep your pet ferret happy and away from any kind of loneliness thoughts or feelings.
Veterinary Care
Both from physical to mental aspects veterinary care is most important for ferrets. You should for a ferret vet routine checkup once or twice a year even when your pet is healthy.
Also, maintain the vaccine dose so that your ferret can easily fight and be cured of any kind of disease. This also helps ferret veterinarians to treat your furry friends easily.
On the whole sum, we can say that veterinary care increases the life span of your ferret and will your pet in great physical and mental fitness.
Life expectancy
Like human kids or children if you also take care of freets effectively then the life expectancy of ferrets will increase.
On average a ferret lives 6-10 years the maximum limit majorly depends on the ferret’s diet, care, lifestyle, and genetics.
It has been observed and also declared by ferret vets that female ferrets live more than male ferrets due to more body heat.
Games for ferrets
The natural calls of ferrets are jumping, digging, running, climbing, and more. So, any game will satisfy this nature of the ferret.
To keep your ferret happy and energetic you can arrange some funny games for your furry friend.
Involvement in the game never lets the ferret feel down and keeps them away from loneliness. Which results in great mental and physical health.
Personal attention
Before planning or going to own a ferret you must be clear about the time because ferrets need your time daily. The social animal nature of ferrets is the major reason for personal attention
Ferrets need your time in serving food, taking for a walk, caging and leaving the cage, and more. Also, you can’t leave your ferret for a longer time without any supervision.
Naturally, ferrets have poor eyesight as compared to other pets so don’t leave your ferret alone at dusk as it would be hard for him/her to get back home
Ferret’s natural odor
If you are already a ferret owner then you must be knowing that ferrets have scented glands near the anus and secrete odor when they are scared, angry, or injured.
As a new ferret owner, if you’re fine with the smell of ferrets then you can go for it and have a ferret at your place.
The smell can be removed by washing ferrets but, you can’t do it daily because it will dry skin and can create health issues. You can wash your ferret once a week.
Ferrets care & small children
If you have small children in your house then ferrets can bite him/her, also children can be rough in playing with ferrets and both of these cases aren’t good.
So, make sure you don’t have any kids below 5 years of age near ferrets. Because ferrets can bite the kids, steal their toys, and even take kids feeders. Small children can be rough to furry friends which may injure the ferrets.
Also, don’t leave your ferret care and food in the responsibility of small children. Ferrets need food, water, attention, and more time.
Ferret hygiene is also very crucial which involves cleaning the cage and serving the bowl. So, for a child doing these tasks is hard and will affect the health and life of your ferret.
Be sure that ferrets are affordable for you
Along with other factors, you should be sure that does ferrets are affordable for you or not.
As ferrets are carnivores animal so they protein and fats are their food and to meet their requirements they need meat as a major food.
Ferrets love raw meat of prey like chickens, cats, rats, mice, etc. They can’t eat and live by eating fast food or snacks. They also need a cage, toys, and more
However, you can give them cheat snacks once or twice a week. So, if you are fine to spend on these expenses of ferrets then you’re good to go.
By fulfilling these ferret’s requirements, you will simply increase the ferret’s life span with good health.
Is it bad for ferrets to be alone?
As you know ferret is a super active social animal. Indeed, ferrets spend much of their time sleeping, but when they are awake they need attention and activity to engage.

Leaving ferrets for a longer time is not a good idea, however, with the good food and water you can leave ferrets for 7 to 10 hours.
But, when your ferret is roaming freely then make sure they are under strong supervision. The freedom to go everywhere can damage your things from your place.
As ferrets are carnivores in nature they will bite and tear things they find so, strong supervision is inevitable. Below, is the conclusion- can ferrets die from loneliness?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long can ferrets be alone?
Ferrets are social animals so they can’t be alone for a longer time. You should check 2-3 times for your ferrets’ food and water for the whole day.
How much attention do ferrets need?
At least ferrets need 2 to 4 hours of attention every day.
Do ferrets get sad when rehomed?
Yes, ferrets feel low and sad when rehomed, but it does not apply to all ferrets.
How long can a ferret be left in a cage?
By providing proper ferret food you can leave your pet for a whole day.
Can ferrets die of a broken heart?
Yes, it’s possible when there is deep depression and loss of interest in living.
I believe your question- can ferrets die from loneliness? has been answered.
Like us, human ferrets also need proper attention and engagement. Ignorance can have a bad effect on your pet. So, you should take care of your pet ferret.
If you have any questions or doubts then feel free to comment, and I will answer your queries.
Thanks for your time!