Can Ferrets Eat Rubber? Is It Safe for Ferrets to Chew?

Are you wondering- can ferrets eat rubber?

No, ferrets shouldn’t eat rubber. Due to the nature of ferrets’ food, rubber might create several health problems for them.

In this article, I will guide you about the risks of ferret-eating rubber, how to identify when a ferret eats rubber, and much more.

Also, shared my personal experience of how I dealt with my ferret-eaten rubber. So, make sure to read till the end.

Can ferrets eat rubber?

There is a strong no to ferret-eating rubber. But, chewing is one of the top natures of ferrets along with being curious and playful. Although ferrets are carnivorous animals their food contains rich protein, moderate fats, and least carbohydrates. But, they are also more into another form of food too, rubber is one of them.

So, they chew anything available. Most of the time rubber is soft they start chewing while in some cases if the rubber size is small they even swallow it.

There is no fixed time and routine for ferrets to start chewing and eating rubber. They can try to eat rubber during play, exploration, and even after lunch.

So, you might be wondering- what rubber product a ferret can eat? Well, they can eat soft toys, key ring rubber, vehicle rubber tubes, and more.

Being a ferret owner it’s your responsibility to track down your pet when playing or living around rubber items.

Can ferrets have rubber toys?

It’s not advisable to give rubber toys to ferrets. There is always risk in love doing so.

I had a bad experience with rubber toys with my pet. Around a couple of months ago, I bought multiple soft for my bunny.

Can ferrets eat rubber?

He was having a great time playing with them. It was the next day when he cut and ate a portion of one softball.

Thanks to my vet who operated and he recovered within ten days. From that day onwards, I keep strong supervision whenever I give rubber toys to my furry friend.

My ferret vet had shared one crucial fact about ferrets eating foreign bodies. He said, “Most of the time it’s either rubber or plastic we found from ferret stomach and intestine.

We have removed earplugs, magnets, keyrings, foam from cushions, chair stoppers, and hairballs.”

Should I bring rubber toys for my ferret?

Well, there is no direct yes or no to it. The real answer is in between.

You can bring rubber toys for ferrets under the condition of having strong supervision. Once ferrets are out of their cage they roam, chew, and eat anything.

Tracking your pet while having time with toys will ensure the safety of not eating it.

If you are to then you assign any of your ferret members. Also, rubber toys are a great way to keep your pet engaged.

If you can’t follow the above precautions it would be best to not give rubber toys to your ferret.

Here, are special tips you can follow, bring rubber toys that are bigger in size and lesser flexible or soft. This will decrease the chance of rubber being eaten by ferrets.

How to find out if a ferret has eaten a rubber toy?

Precaution is the best thing to do for anything but, we should also always be prepared for any unwanted things.

When it comes to health we can’t miss it. If unfortunately ever your ferret has eaten a rubber toy or rubber item then identifying it is the biggest yet most inevitable task to do.

Unlike dogs and cats, ferrets don’t always vomit when there is something stuck in their stomach. However, many ferret owners believe it’s the opposite.

The following are some common symptoms ferrets when eating rubber toys:

  • inappetence (not eating)
  • Might vomit (in some cases)
  • Lethargy
  • Grinding teeth
  • Drool a lot or start clenching

In rare cases, ferrets start to continue vomiting. The above-mentioned shown by ferrets depend upon ferret to ferret in terms of their age, health, and where the foreign body is loaded.

At a time a ferret might show more symptoms. Being aware of these symptoms will make it easy for you to identify rubber toys or foreign objects.

Can ferrets play with rubber toys?

Yes, ferrets can play with rubber toys but, under supervision.

Ferrets love rubber toys, they love throwing, catching, and chasing rubber toys. Rubber toy jumps that give stimulation to ferret and keep them entertained and engaged.

Can ferrets eat rubber?

However, there are other sides of ferret playing with rubber. Ferrets are extremely curious and active animals with sharp teeth.

So, there is always the possibility of eating or even swallowing the rubber toys. Eating rubber toys will cause intestinal obstruction in ferrets.

What happens if my ferret eats plastic?

Plastic shares the same structure formation as plastic. Both are long-form chain polymers.

So, they don’t easily break and this is major why it is dangerous for ferrets. Plastic is harder and can cause bigger problems for your pet.

When ferrets eat plastic most of the time it gets stuck in the intestine and sometimes in the stomach. In such cases, surgery is the way to remove the intestinal obstruction that occurs from plastic.

The first thing will be that your pet will stop eating or will eat very little.

They can exhibit symptoms like vomiting, feeling down, and nausea. In such cases, contact your ferret vet because delay can cost you the life of your pet.

What foreign body ferret can eat easily?

Rubber or plastic aren’t the only items that a ferret does eat. There are more foreign ferrets that a ferret does eat.

This item can be indoor as well as outdoor.

These foreign bodies are dangerous to ferrets but, they are not capable enough to differentiate. So, you must do that for your furry friend

The following are some common foreign objects eaten by ferrets:

  • Hairballs (common during shedding periods)
  • Soft rubber
  • Plastic items
  • Paper
  • Bedding
  • Clothes
  • Baby bottle nipples
  • Pacifiers
  • Cables

So, always make sure you keep away these items from your ferret’s reach.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is ferret pee toxic?

Ferret pee contains salmonella and other germs that can make you sick.

Do ferrets like peanut butter?

No, peanut butter is not a ferret’s food.

Is rubber bad for ferrets?

Yes, it’s not bad until ferrets chew it and get blockage. So, best practice is to avoid it.

Is ferret poop toxic?

Yes, they can carry Campylobacter, Salmonella and Giardia


Now, you know- can ferrets eat rubber?

There is a clear no to ferret-eating rubber. But, out of their nature, they eat rubber. So, having strong supervision is the ultimate solution.

Rubber can cause some major health issues to ferrets which only get cured from operation.

So, whenever your ferret is out of the cage make sure he/she doesn’t eat any rubber body.

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