Are you wondering- do ferrets eat grasshoppers? Then you have come to the right place.
In this article, you will learn how and when ferrets can eat grasshoppers, the benefits and risks of ferrets eating grasshoppers, and more.
So, make sure to read till the end.
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Do ferrets eat grasshoppers?
Ferrets can easily eat grasshoppers. Ferrets love the whole process of chasing, catching, killing, and eating grasshoppers.
Grasshoppers’ body mainly consists of muscle and very light bones, so ferrets can easily eat. It’s observed that some ferrets swallow the whole grasshoppers.
Catching grasshoppers involves lots of physical activities which ferrets. Also, grasshoppers are very active so ferret use their flexible body to run, make sharp turns, and jump to hunt insects.
Ferrets-eating grasshoppers usually happen in the wild. While pet ferrets mainly depend on the served foods.
Why do ferrets love eating grasshoppers?
There are many reasons behind your pet loves eating grasshoppers. Mentioning some of the important ones.
- Ferret gets entertainment in the whole process
- It gives them physical stimulation
- It fulfills their highly playful nature
- Eating grasshoppers is easy for ferrets
Potential risks of ferrets eating grasshoppers
Ferrets love eating grasshoppers but, it also involves risk. As a ferret owner, you must recognize the risk involved in it.

Following are some major risks, that you need to keep in mind:
Infection risk
Grasshoppers are a great source of the ferret treat. Your ferret will love eating them but, it also consists of some risks.
Grasshoppers made their food from crops, grass, mud, cow dunk, and even from consuming decayed things. Due to this grasshoppers could carry parasites and bacterial diseases.
These can seriously affect the health of your ferrets. Usually, grasshoppers in fields consist of heavy pesticides compared to those in the forest.
So, be always aware of the infection risk from the grasshoppers.
Contain a higher percentage of fats
Ideal food for ferrets contains 20-25% of fat but, grasshoppers contain 43% percentage of the fat. Such a higher percentage of fat will affect the health of your furry friend.
So, ferret vets suggest eating grasshoppers should be taken as occasional. If you add it into the regular diet then it could majorly disturb the physical health of the ferrets.
Grasshoppers mostly contain unsaturated fats which are hard for ferret to digest.
Studies have found that eating foods high in unsaturated fats can improve your blood cholesterol levels and ease inflammation.
A higher amount can cause a health risk
Pet ferrets don’t usually get many grasshoppers. But in some cases, if you leave a ferret in your backyard or field then he/she may eat more.
Ferret is highly playful and curious so they wouldn’t be able to decide the right amount of grasshoppers.
So, it’s your responsibility to catch your pet before he/she eats too much.
Potential benefit of ferrets eating grasshoppers
Grasshoppers are quite rich in nutrition. This rich nutrition helps ferrets a lot in many ways. Following are the potential benefits of ferret-eating grasshoppers.

Contain higher protein than chicken and eggs
Grasshoppers contain 40% of the protein which is larger than chicken and eggs. So, it’s more beneficial to ferrets than any of them.
You can feed it once in a while but increasing the number and amount can cause serious health issues to your ferret.
The only limitation is that you can’t add to the regular diet of your furry friend.
Provide full physical and mental stimulation
I remember catching grasshoppers as a kid to play. With the effort of two or more hours, I was barely able to catch one, and two grasshoppers.
Here, the number of grasshoppers would be quite high for ferret eating. So, it’s obvious that it requires more and more effort.
Running, jumping, biting, and catching are the true nature of the ferrets. So, they will enjoy the process of grabbing and eating grasshoppers.
This will give both physical and mental stimulation to your ferrets.
Rich in other proteins as well
Grasshoppers are also quite rich in folic acid, biotin (vitamin B7), and riboflavin. These vitamins play a lead role in improving ferret health.
So, we can say grasshoppers as a treat are beneficial for ferrets from the inside out.
Could be a great alternative to ferret treat
Seattle Mariners is toasted grasshoppers seasoned with chili-lime salt. At a Washington D.C. restaurant owned by a celebrity chef, grasshopper taco is on the menu.
Ferrets share a lot of analogies with humans. It could be behaviors, nature, food, and more. Eating grasshoppers is also on the human menu list.
A restaurant in Washington DC owned by Clebratiry chef has a grasshopper taco on the tip of the menu. So, you can also pack this taco for your ferrets as well.
It could in a great option for ferret treats that you buy from the store.
Do ferrets eat insects?
Ferrets are an obligate carnivore animal so they eat various kinds of insects like spiders, grasshoppers, and more.

The other day I was talking to a friend and she told me about how her ferrets eat spiders and mosquitos from the garage.
This also saves her effort and time to clean her garage from unwanted insects. So, the ferret helps himself and his owner too.
Just making sure insects are not infected by any kind of pesticides will be great.
Do ferrets eat random things?
The highly active and curious nature of ferrets made them catch, chew, and even swallow things. They are not able to identify what can harm and what not.
In such a way, they eat items that aren’t able to be digested. Such items are also known as a foreign body. These foreign bodies can cause lodge in the stomach and result in an obstruction.
Most of the time these unwanted or foreign bodies come out via vomiting or excretion. But, in some cases, surgery is the way to remove these bodies.
I have been told by the vet that most of the time ferrets eat rubber and plastic items. So, always be aware of what your furry friend is eating.
Do ferrets eat spiders?
unless the concern is that the spiders are poisonous, there should be no issue. small animals can tend to eat bugs,
Yes, ferrets love catching and eating spiders. The net created by the spider helps ferrets catch them. So, you can leave your ferret where spiders are living in high density.
The only point you need to make clear is that spiders aren’t poisonous. Once it is taken care of then the rest are good to go.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do ferrets eat cockroaches?
Yes, ferrets catch and eat cockroaches
Can ferrets eat mealworms?
Yes, ferrets love eating mealworms.
What do ferrets eat in the wild?
Mostly ferrets hunt and eat animals like rabbits, mice, snacks, and more. They even eat dead animals.
Now, you have the answer- do ferrets eat grasshoppers?
Ferrets are highly active and curious animal creatures. So, they do their activities while catching grasshoppers.
This helps them to gain food as well as fulfill their nature. Everything is fine until grasshoppers aren’t infected by any kind of parasite or disease.
Because it can create some serious health issues for your ferrets.