Do Ferrets Get Along With Rabbits?

As a proud owner of ferrets and rabbits you may wonder, do ferrets get along with rabbits?

Unfortunately, no ferret and rabbit can’t be kept together.

However, both pets share some physical similarities, but they are different when it comes to their nature, food, and so on. Understanding your pets always helps in taking care of them.

All your questions like Can a ferret kill a rabbit? Can ferrets and rabbits play together? ferret or rabbit- which is a better pet?

All your questions will be answered so make sure to read fully.

Do ferrets get along with rabbits?

If you are confused about, whether ferrets can live with a rabbit, the clear answer is no they can’t live together.

Ferret is a carnivore pet while the rabbit is a herbivore pet so the rabbit is prey for ferrets. So, you can’t even think of putting them together.

Do ferrets get along with rabbits?

As we see, above, both ferrets and rabbits are opposite. Usually, herbivore animals (rabbits in this case) are food for carnivores (ferrets in this case) animal.

Both ferrets and rabbits are way apart from each other, Thus, for your best care and safety of your pets, I’m here with a full guide on and about ferrets and rabbits.

So, it’s confirmed that your ferret will attack your rabbit whether it’s on the very first chance or after taking some time.

What animals can ferrets live with?

Ferrets can live with pets like cats, dogs, and guinea pigs, but be sure to keep them under strong observation. Ferrets make good company with these pet animals.

However, ferrets should not be given the company of smaller pet animals like birds, rats, and rodents. These animals are prey to ferrets so they would be hunted at the very first chance.

In some cases when ferrets become furious, especially male ferrets then they can kill your pet cat. So, you need to be aware of this situation.

If you have a young kid in your home then watch his/her interaction with ferret. In case your pet feels threatened then they might bite in self-defense.

Can ferrets and rabbits get along or live together?

When it comes to, can cats and ferrets live together? the clear answer is no, ferrets and rabbits can’t get along or live together in open spaces.

Rabbits are always prey to ferrets and ferrets are always predators to rabbits so can’t be kept together.

In one or second chance ferrets will attack rabbits because they always see rabbits as their prime food.

A ferret is a carnivore animal while a rabbit is an herbivore animal so they are different from each other. The only way these two can be kept is in different cages.

Still, if you want to keep them together in an open space then keep them under sharp surveillance. But it’s not advisable to put the life of your rabbit at risk.

Can Ferrets and Rabbits Play Together?

Yes, ferrets and rabbits play together under moderate observation. As both pets are socially active animals & they love interaction around them.

The ferret will make side-by-side moves and puff the tail. In the meantime, your rabbit start getting relaxed and form company with ferrets.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you get a new ferret or rabbit at your place then don’t leave them alone.

Instead, keep them near indifferent, let them see, smell, and watch each other. This will develop a bond of trust between your ferret and rabbit.

Then, after the bonding, it would be much easier for ferrets and rabbits to play together.

Can a ferret kill a rabbit?

Yes, ferrets can kill pet rabbits.

Let me share, my personal experience of my ferret killing my rabbit. Last year I forgot for some time that I had kept them together in an open space. Both of them were playing joyfully.

But, I don’t know what happened, my ferret attacked my rabbits, the good part was that my elder brother saw them before it was too late.

My rabbits were slightly injured, thanks to my ferret veterinarian who cared for my lovely pet.

If you are considering keeping ferrets and rabbits together, it is important to supervise them closely and to provide each animal with their own space and resources.

What do ferrets do to rabbits?

As I told above, both animals are opposite to each other and ferrets are predators for rabbits.

Most of the time, ferrets attack rabbits by chasing them rather than killing and eating them. Still, your rabbit is not at all safe with a ferret.

Do ferrets get along with rabbits?

One thing need to understand is that both ferrets and rabbits aren’t enemies of each other. It’s the differences in their biological formation that make them different from each other.

Do ferrets eat bunnies?

Yes, ferrets can easily attack, kill, and eat bunnies.

It’s even easier for ferrets to kill, and eat the bunny because of smaller size so ferrets require less time and effort to hunt them.

So, if you ever want to keep them together then always make sure there is strong supervision.

Ferret is highly dominating over the bunny rabbit. So, a bunny’s life is always at high risk when he/she is kept with a ferret.

How do a ferret and a rabbit live under one roof?

The best way to keep your ferret and rabbit under one roof is to put them in different cages.

In case, you still want to keep them together or keep them apart is not possible for you.

Then there are ways and tips to keep your rabbit and ferret together in your home under one roof. Which are follows:

Keep them separate

The most effective way is to not let your ferret and rabbit interact with each other. To do so you can put them in different cages or even better put them in different.

Being in different rooms will make them to be unaware of the existence of each other in your house.

This will set free your rabbit from the presence of a ferret. Also, the temptation of ferret getting rabbit wouldn’t exist.

Feed the ferret properly

Feeding your ferret properly is one of the best ways to keep your rabbit. You can easily figure out if your ferret is hungry.

If pet ferrets stare at food and water, then there are chances your pet is hungry. Being properly fed keeps the obligate carnivore full, and thirsty for any prey.

However, it is best to feed whole prey such as rats and mice and meet the nutritional needs of your ferret.

Gradually introduce ferret and rabbit to each other

After welcoming your ferret and rabbit at your place keep them in different cages for two weeks. So that they could start getting familiar with each other.

After two weeks, bring the cage to more close so that they can see and smell each other. This will massively help them to know each other.

Nearly after one week, release both pets in an open space under strong supervision.

If you notice any red alert put them back in their respective cages and repeat the process. If not, you can gradually increase interaction time under observation.

Ferret or Rabbit – Which is Better?

Ferret or rabbit- which is better, there is no direct answer. The answer is subjective, depending on the nature of the owner.

Both animals have their traits, physiques, and unique personalities. It’s up to you to choose between them according to your suitability. Rabbits are fluffier while ferrets are slim-bodied mischievous rodents.

Ferrets and rabbits are socially active pet animals, but rabbits take more time to develop bonds with their owners than ferrets.

Both pets have almost the same life span, ferrets live for a maximum of 10 years, while rabbits can live for up to 12 years and, in some cases, even longer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can ferrets and rabbits get along?

No, ferrets and rabbits can’t get along.

Can ferrets be friends with rabbits?

Due to their opposite nature, ferrets can’t be friends with rabbits.

What animal is the enemy of the rabbit?

Predators like foxes, dogs, cats, birds of prey, and stoats are the enemy of the rabbit.

Can rabbits be companion animals?

Yes, rabbits are one of the most famous household companion animals.

Are ferrets aggressive towards rabbits?

Yes, ferrets are aggressive towards rabbits.


I believe you got the answer- do ferrets get along with rabbits?

Ferrets and rabbits can’t be kept together due to their opposite nature. Many things say no keep them together at all.

However, if you still want them under the same roof then make sure they don’t know about each other or you can keep them in different cages.

If you still have any questions related to ferret and rabbit feel free to comment. I would love to help you out.

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