Ferrets are playful and curious pets. If you’re planning to own a new ferret then you might wonder, do ferrets purr?
No, neither ferrets purr nor bark. Ferrets indeed make various kinds of noise and as an owner, you need to understand them and act accordingly.
In this article, I will talk about various noises your pet makes in various moods. I will also answer how to understand the message behind each noise of your furry friend.
So, stay tuned and read till the end. This is the ultimate guide you need as a new ferret owner or even as an experienced one.
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Do ferrets purr?
Ferrets are small members of the Mustelidae Family native to North America. Ferrets are one of the most renowned pets in the United States of America and their popularity keeps increasing.

Unlike other pets like cats, dogs, and rabbits, it doesn’t take much expense or effort to own and care for a ferret. Despite this, there are still many who don’t know what kinds of noises a ferret makes.
Ferrets make many noises but purr isn’t among them. Usually, animals purr when they’re happy and content. cats, bears, guinea pigs, & more purr when happy.
However, it’s true that when your ferret is relaxed, it can exhibit a soft vibrating sound from its throat which is sometimes considered a ferret purring.
What noises does a ferret make when happy?
In the beginning, I was facing problems in knowing, what noises my pet ferret made when happy. But, over time with proper care and attention, I got the answer to my problem
If you’re in the same situation as I was then don’t worry I help you out. Among many noises, a ferret makes, ‘dooking’ (which sounds similar to chicken clucking) is something your ferret shows when he/she is happy or excited.
Dooking is more common when two ferrets are playing. Also, notice that this is when two ferrets attack and even kill one another. So, separate them before anything serious happens.
Your ferret might dance and move around to show its happiness and excitement. Also, it’s noticed that some ferrets wag their tail like dogs.
What noise do ferrets make when playful?
As mentioned above your pet makes a different number of noises. The other noise that ferrets makes another dooking is squeaking to express excitement and joy.
Most of the time ferrets exhibit squeaking during mingling with other animals or owners.
It’s important to note that the dooking and squeaking sounds are quite similar, but if you pay a bit of attention you can spot the difference.
Squeaking is a positive when one or more ferrets make it. But, you need to be aware when the sounds get more intense. If it happens then it’s time to separate or keep them in different cages.
What noise does a ferret make when in pain?
Ferret makes various kinds of sounds to express different moods and modes.
Similarly, a ferret makes screeching when in pain. So, you need to be aware of this sound your pet makes.

Also, sometimes ferrets screech but aren’t hurt in such cases they are scared or uncomfortable by an external action or activities.
If you’re a new ferret owner then you need to pay extra attention to your pet when they make sounds. With regular attention, you will be able to spot the difference in noises and act accordingly to help your furry friend.
What noise does a ferret make when angry?
A ferret hisss when he/she is upset or angry. Ferret hissing is not like cats, it is choppy and deeper.
Along with making various sounds, ferrets are also intelligent as well. They run and hide in a safe when sense any fear or danger.
A ferret also tends to hissing when he/she is playful to other animals. Sometimes hissing converts into a serious fight. So, you need to be alert by first hissing and separating your pet before e anything serious happens.
Ferret also bark to express anger and the barking sound isn’t at all like a dog’s barking. It is more of a high-pitched chirp.
Common ferret noises and their meaning
Ferrets make various sounds and as a ferret owner, you need to understand each sound. This will nourish your bonding with your pet. To express happiness or excitement, dooking isn’t the only expression ferrets use.
As ferrets exhibit various sounds and to understand the meaning of each sound isn’t an easy task.
To understand and better care for your furry friend, I have listed down the most common sounds and their meanings. These will help you a lot.
Usually ferrets hiss when they are upset, angry, and confused. They are one of the most sensitive social animals which led them to hissing more often.
If your pet ferret is hissing during eating or playing then there are higher chances he/she might get bored. So, it is better to change the food or stop him from playing.
Ferrets have a strong analogy with dogs barking. But, their barking shortened and loud dooks than dogs.
Primary ferrets bark during an intense excitement and it could be both positive and negative depending on the particular situation. Often ferrets bark during pain and discomfort.
It’s best to check on your ferret whenever you hear barking. Because you never when the situation could be critical.
Screeching and squeaking sounds quite similar and it often differentiating between them is quite tough.
Most of the time ferret’s screeching sounds like a high-pitched squeak. Ferrets screech mainly when they are in pain, fear, or anger.
So the sounds of screeching directly indicate your ferret is in danger. You must be checking without any serious happened.
Among all the noises your ferret makes squeaking is something a ferret makes in excitement. But, it’s quite different than regular barking as dogs.
It sounds less like squeaks and more like a chuckle quite the same as dooking.
You can notice your ferret squeaks a lot during interaction with other animals. So, you don’t need to worry when your furry friend squeaks.
However, if the duration and intensity of squeaking increases then it’s a red signal and might be checking on your ferret friend.
Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding sounds by ferret is as common as barking and it is situational.
If your ferret grinding during playing then it’s fine. In such cases, your pet is having fun and grinding is one of the ways of expression.
Additionally, if you hear grinding after eating food then it means your friend ferret is simply chewing the food.
However, if you listen to teeth-grinding others time then, there is a high chance that your furry friend is in pain. In such a situation you should contact a ferret specialist without a do.
Whimpering is the saddest sound your ferret makes. Ferrets make this noise during loneliness, boredom and dissatisfaction.
Whenever things aren’t going their way, they start whimpering. For example, if you stop your ferret from playing, if you take away their favorite snacks from the bowl, or even if you don’t give their favorite toy.
So, the next time, whenever your furry friend ferret whimpers, you should give time and do some pampering. and provide things that he/she is seeking.
Your ignorance in such a situation can harm your bonding with your pet ferret.
Sneezing is the most common sound a ferret makes like any other animal.
You must have noticed sneezing in cats and dogs but, there is a difference in ferret’s sneeze. They sneeze up to a dozen at a time which is normal for them.
Also, there is no particular signal or body language which tells about ferrets sneezing. However, if your ferret has a runny nose and discharge eye along with sneezing then you need to contact ferret veterinary.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do ferrets purr while sleeping?
No, ferrets don’t purr while sleeping.
What does ferret hissing mean?
Usually, your ferret does hissing when he/she is angry or scared.
How do I know if my ferret is bored?
Scratching at enclosure walls’ and sleeping more than normal are the two most common symptoms when your ferret is bored.
What does it mean when your ferret makes a purring noise?
Ferrets don’t purr. Your ferret might be exhibiting a vibrating sound from its throat which sounds purring noise.
Ferrets make a variety of sounds, but they don’t purr. They make noise when they’re happy, sad, excited, angered or scared.
So, as a ferret owner, you must understand the different noises of the ferret.
If you still have any equations or doubts related to ferret purr or ferret noises, feel free to comment. I will help help you out.