Do Ferrets Stink Up Your House? Only Guidance You’ll Need 2024 (Reason Why They Stink How To Remove It?

Many ferret owners ask- do ferrets stink up your house?

If you’re one of them then it’s completely normal to have or ask this question. It’s observed that many pet lovers postpone or cancel their decision to own ferrets because of their smell.

In this article, I will answer about ferret stink-up, how to control or minimize ferret smell, what common misconceptions about ferret stink, removal of ferret scent glands, and more.

From my five years of experience owning ferrets, I will also share my learning on the smell of ferrets which will help in dealing with the smell

So, make sure to read till the end.

Do Ferrets Stink Up Your House? Yes, ferrets exhibit undesirable smells, but it’s not as it’s being propagated in the public domain about the smell of the ferret. If you care for your pet and manage effectively things around it then it could be minimized to remove.

Do ferrets stink up your house?

Ferrets are indeed renowned for the highly curious, intelligent, and cute pet animals which makes them one of the most owned pets in the United States.

But when it comes to the question- do Ferrets Stink Up Your House? Things getting a bit unfavorable for this lovely pet.

It’s true that ferrets have their smell but, it’s neither strong nor stays for a longer period. The good part part all ferret owners get used to the natural smell of the ferret.

Ferrets naturally release oil from their skin glands. The major issue arises when this oil comes into touch with ferret living space or toys, and then a musky or unpleasant smell starts to stink up your house.

Being excited and fearful are the two major modes of ferrets when they release a greater amount of oil.

So, yeah being a ferret owner once you understand this thing then it becomes quite easy and smooth to deal with ferret smell.

Note: During mating season, it’s observed and proved that a male ferret smells more strongly than a female ferret if he is kept unneutered.

Why do ferrets smell so much?

After knowing- Do ferrets stink up your house? you may ask why do ferrets smell so much?

Well, there are three major reasons behind the stronger, and longer-time smell of the ferrets. Which are:

  • The release of unpleasant smells from the oil glands of the ferrets.
  • When this oil comes into contact with ferret bedding like a litter box, cages, and more.
  • Excretion from its anal sacs is highly contributes to ferret smell.
Do ferrets stink up your house?

The fluffy and flexible body of ferrets makes them gain other smells from their surroundings along with its unpleasant smell.

If you are an old ferret owner then you must have noticed whenever you sneeze your ferret starts rubbing his body to his/her bedding.

Due to this two things happen, first, they collect droplets from sneezing, and second, they transfer oil to the cage, toy, and bedding which makes the ferret smell so strong.

The following are the most common things you should know to remove ferrets’ smell.

Bathing doesn’t remove the smell

Since ferret oil comes from skin glands, you might think giving regular baths to your ferret will remove the smell, but that’s not true.

Regular baths will affect your furry friend’s health badly and removing oil from the skin ferret will give more smell.

The ferret oils keep protecting the coat and skin of your pet.

One crucial thing that you must notice is that regular wash will also dry up ferret skin which causes many problems like skin dryness, itching, infection, and more.

Remove scent glands from ferret body

Removing scent glands in ferrets is highly popular in the United States. It takes place through surgery which happens when a shop owner buys a higher number of ferrets from a commercial breeder.

All the surgery and removal of scent glands from the ferret body take place before the age of 8 months.

Desexed your ferret

This is probably the most important factor to know bout and implement.

A fixed ferret comparatively smells quite less than an unfixed one. Because unfixed ferrets have higher amounts of hormones which result in higher levels of oil which gives an excess musky ferrer smell.

This situation mainly arises during mating so make sure you consult to ferret veterinarian during this and act accordingly for ferret and theril oil and smell.

Do ferrets make your room stink?

No doubt ferrets have a natural musky scent that you can smell easily. But, when it comes to making your room stink ferrets don’t contribute to it.

If you clean the room regularly and properly where ferrets live then there is no question of stink up by your pet.

However, when the oil from ferrets’ skin gets in touch with their bedding or the places in your room, then you will experience ferret stink or ferret odor.

Common misconceptions about ferrets stink or smell

Before entering into the zone of ferret stink, gland oil, and more you must know that ferrets groom themselves naturally.

The self-grooming of ferrets is as same as of cats who do it very effectively.

The ferret scent glands exhibit unpleasant smells and they can’t be ignored but they disappear rapidly and are very low intensive.

Can I bathe my ferret to reduce ferret stink?

“Bathing ferret will reduce ferret stink”, is probably the most highly propagated misconception about this Mustelid animal.

However, bathing ferret more often will badly affect their health and will release a more intense ferret smell. So, as a ferret owner, you must be aware of it and always keep it in mind while cleaning your furry friend.

So, now the question will come into your mind, when I can bathe my ferret, or how often should I bathe my ferret?

You can bath your ferret once every 2-3 months and bathing more than that will increase ferret stink.

Can you remove ferret scent glands?

To get freedom from ferret smell or odor you may ask questions like- Can You Remove Ferret Scent Glands? Is it cruel to remove a ferret’s scent glands?

According to ferret experts, removing ferret scent glands is not advisable to get free from their unpleasant smell.

You can only remove it when there is any medical complication with these glands. And removal of scent glands also takes in other pets like dogs and cats.

How to reduce the ferrets stink?

Do ferrets stink up your house?

Awareness is the ultimate solution to reduce thr ferret stink. Whether, if you’re a new or old ferret owner you don’t want your house to be filled with ferret odor.

So, multiple things need to be care of to reduce the ferret stink at your place. These are as follows:

Clean the litter box of your ferret

The litter box is the place where your pet spends most of his/her time.

And it’s quite obvious that the oil from ferret skin gets consumed by the litter box which is highly responsible for ferret smell.

So, make sure you clean it properly. Cleaning the litter box, one or two times a day is enough.

Maintaining a litter box will also take care of the hygiene of your ferret which is good for the health of your pet.

Keep ears clean of your ferret

If you spend regular time with your ferret then you must have noticed that the ear of your pet exhibits a musky smell.

Cleaning the ferret’s ear once a week is more than enough. To clean you can use ferret earcleaner liquid with ear buds.

Be very careful while cleaning because going too deep can damage the eardrum of your furry friend.

Fix your ferret

Your ferret smells maximum during season or mating, especially male ferret.

Before talking about ferret fixing, one thing you need to note is that it’s only applicable to adult ferrets. Because an immature or baby ferret can’t go through the process.

It is strongly advisable to fix your ferret (desexed, spayed, and neutered) under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Deep clean your ferret’s cage

The oils from ferret skin glands touch the rod of the cage and it highly contributes to stink.

So, to get freedom from ferret odor make sure you deeply clean each corner of the ferret cage. This will keep your house free from ferret stink.

Cage cleaning at least once in a month is necessary you can also clean twice if you have the time.

 Don’t bathe your ferret

Don’t mistake to bath your furry friend daily or regularly. Ferret bath will increase the smell of your house despite minimizing it and it will also affect the health of your furry friend.

Also, ferrets don’t like bathing, but you can bathe your pet once in one or one and a half months.

To wash your ferret use hot water in the tub. It will be good for your ferret and easier for you.

Feed your ferret a high-quality diet

If your ferret isn’t getting the required food then he/she will stink even more. Ferrets a carnivores animal which means meat is their major food.

So, don’t make the mistake of giving food that contains higher carbohydrates or fat. Whether you are at home or not also make sure your furry ferret getting the best treat.

When your pet eats well then digest well and then he/she will not make your house stinky.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do ferrets smell worse than cats?

No, ferrets’ smell vanishes faster than cats.

Is Febreze toxic to ferrets?

Yes, even a small amount can cause major effects on ferrets.

What pet smells the least?

fish, turtles, and some small birds like parakeets and canaries

Does the ferret smell go away?

Yes, they will very soon when the cage and litter box are cleaned.


Now you know- do ferrets stink up your house?

Yes, a ferret’s body releases oil that smells but your furry friend isn’t responsible for the stink up your house.

It’s ferret bedding that comes in contact with oil which consumes the oil and results in the smell of your place. By providing a rich ferret diet, and cleaning cages, litter boxes, and toys you can minimize the ferret smell.

I hope now you are ready to deal with the ferret oil and stink up of your home.

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