Are you wondering- do ferrets twitch in their sleep? or are you confused?
The answer is yes ferrets do twitch in their sleep. But, the major question is why they twitch. what to do when ferrets twitch, Is it normal for ferrets to twitch, what it means when a ferret twitches, and more?
In this article, you get answers to these questions and more. So, make sure to read till the end.
Content List
- 1 Do ferrets twitch in their sleep?
- 2 Why do ferrets twitch in their sleep?
- 3 Why is my ferret shaking in his sleep?
- 4 Do ferrets make noise in their sleep?
- 5 What to do when a ferret is twitching?
- 6 Is it normal for ferrets to twitch?
- 7 Is ferret a dead sleeper?
- 8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 9 Conclusion
Do ferrets twitch in their sleep?
The clear and direct answer is yes ferrets twitch in their sleep. Your ferret can twitch both on day or night time of sleep.
So, whether you are a new or old ferret owner you must be aware of it. Being aware of ferret twitching will help you tackle it more effectively.
If your furry friend twitches once in a while then it’s completely fine. On the contrary, if you notice that your pet twitches regularly and it gets more intense.
Then without a delay contact your veterinarian. Making a delay in the treatment of twitching in ferrets can also be life-threatening.
Why do ferrets twitch in their sleep?
Why does my ferret twitch in his sleep?- If you are dealing with the same situation then you don’t need to worry anymore.
Ferret disease, internal & external factors are responsible for twitching in ferret.
A couple of months ago, I was going through the same phase when my male ferret started twitching out of nowhere.

At first, I panicked and then contacted my ferret vet. It was him who guided me and I did everything as per his guidance. In some days my furry friend was fully cured.
Your question- why my ferret could be twitching in his sleep has multiple stages answer.
Dreams are one of the major reasons for ferret twitching. It could be a haunted, playful dream or even a funny one.
So, during twitching there are chances that your ferret may jump, shake, or scream depending on the type of dream he/she having.
Often twitching in ferrets is associated with low blood sugar. The proper medication under vet prescription will help to recover.
What does it mean when a ferret twitches?
Bad dreams, lack of owner interaction, proper food, and low blood sugar are the major things that show when a ferret twitches.
So, don’t wait for your ferret to undergo twitching. Instead, keep taking care of things that will make your ferret healthy and happy.
This will be best for you as owner and also for your furry friend.
Why is my ferret shaking in his sleep?
Your ferret is shaking because there are higher chances that he is through scary dreams.
Other than this, ferrets also shake to raise their metabolic rate and their heart rate. Because during sleep, the metabolic rate of ferrets decreases to conserve energy.
So, as a ferret owner being aware of this will help you a lot in handling your ferret during the shaking phase.
Do ferrets make noise in their sleep?
Yes, ferrets do make noise during sleep. Ferret sleeps for 16-18 hours a day, they sleep the whole night or a mix of day and night.

But the ferret’s noise percentage is higher at night than day. Because they sleep more deeply at night than day.
Ferrets sleep intensity is quite deep and they have various stages of sleep. They make various kinds of noise during sleeping hours but the most common is snoring.
Ferret also whines or whimper, just like a squeaky boy.
What to do when a ferret is twitching?
When you notice your ferret is twitching then the very first prescription is for you. Don’t panic, instead start figuring out the types and intensity of the twitching.
Start with checking appetite then make sure if he/she twitchs for a longer or shorter time. If you find your pet is twitching for a longer time then contact your vet immediately.
During and after twitching your ferret might have missed pooped and pee. So, you must remember these things to handle it more effectively.
Things to do when a ferret is twitching:
- Avoid using cedar shavings, because contain chemicals that are toxic and can cause irritation to ferrets
- Check ferret appetite
- Check his/her last pee
- Intensity and duration
Is it normal for ferrets to twitch?
Yes, twitching of ferrets is normal as long as it’s mild and for a lesser time.
Usually, a normal twitching lasts from a few seconds to one minute. Anything more than this is not good for your furry friend.
Having unpleasant dreams for a short time may result in mild twitching which is ok. But, if it’s getting longer then it needs to be treated by the vet.
After twitching your furry friend might lose interest in eating so try to feed something liquid. Also, after the twitching phase, your ferret’s body becomes loose, and he/she starts feeling cold.
So, cover your ferret with some warm clothes or a blanket. Also, you can warn up the ferret cage place. This will help your pet to get back to the normal body temperature.
Is ferret a dead sleeper?
Yes, a ferret is a dead sleeper. When ferrets sleep, they tend to sleep extremely deeply. Such deep sleeping habit of ferrets is called dead sleep.

As a new ferret owner, you might get afraid to see this ferret’s sleeping habit or pattern so be aware of that. Even if you heavily shake your ferret, he/she wouldn’t respond to it.
So, this is the level of ferret deep or better dead sleep. Even one of my friends called me sobbing and said, “My love ceaser died while sleeping.” (Ceaser is the name of her ferret)
I first comforted her and then explained fully about the sleeping patterns of ferrets. It was then she got comfortable.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do ferrets go into deep sleep?
Yes, ferrets go into deep sleep also known as dead sleep.
What time do ferrets go to bed?
To complete their 14-18 hours of sleep they may sleep the whole night or in a mix of day and night.
Do ferrets poop where they sleep?
No, ferrets don’t poop while sleeping or eating until they have any serious health issues.
Do ferrets sleep in the dark?
Yes, they highly prefer dark to sleep.
Now, you know- do ferrets twitch in their sleep?
As long as it’s mild and happens sometime then it’s ok for a ferret to twitch. But, if you notice any pattern then feel free to contact the vet before it gets delayed.
Sleeping hours & patterns, low blood sugar, and unpleasant dreams are some major causes of ferret twitching. so being aware of it will help you a lot.