How to Know If a Ferret is Happy?

Being a ferret owner have you ever asked yourself- how to know if a ferret is happy? probably yes.

A ferret is a very sensible and fragile animal that needs proper time and care. Knowing about the happiness of your pet is one of the best things you can do for him/her.

In this article, I will answer how you can know if your ferret is happy, the factors affecting happiness in ferrets, how you will know that your ferret is happy, signs of happiness and unhappiness in ferrets, and more.

So, make sure you read till the end.

How to know if a ferret is happy?

Well, several things or factors decide ferrets’ happiness. A happy ferret needs food as per their nature. Raw meat is the major food of ferrets.

A happy ferret needs the owner’s attention and time, good surroundings, suitable shelter, and temperature.

When you are taking care of the above factors then your pet will be in a happy phase which will give him good health which results in a longer life span.

For better bonding between you both, you can offer him/her surprise treats that keep him/her joyous and playful.

Below, explain the signs of happiness in ferrets and how you can identify them. I will share my experience as a ferret owner for more than five years.

When ferret is happy?

Personal owner attention, healthy and surprise treats, and health care are some major factors that make ferrets happy.

There are various ways and reasons upon which ferret happiness depends. So, being a ferret owner if you are still wondering- how to know if a ferret is happy? Then you must have to understand these reasons and ways.

Ferret exhibits their happiness through eyes, body language, ears, and sometimes voice. To be able to be a pro in knowing when your ferret is happy then you must to capable of reading these signs of a ferret.

Like human beings ferrets too exhibit both happiness and sadness. On that note, below discusses both ie happiness and sadness in ferrets. This will help you in becoming a pro ferret owner.

What does a happy ferret look like?

A happy ferret is always in active mode. They will run, jump, hide, or dig.

how to know if a ferret is happy?

They also run for owner attention, hugs, and time. A happy will also crawl or lie down on the floor. My two-and-a-half-year-old ferret runs for jump whenever he is happy.

He also likes and becomes very happy when I take him for an evening walk. So, you can also try for a ferret walk at your nearby.

How do you know if your ferret loves you?

There are various signs through which you can know if your ferret loves you. When your ferret is getting good food, care, and attention, he/she will be in its natural way of living.

Natural ferret living involves jumping, playing, digging, exploring the known, and most important getting engaged with the owner.

Following are the most common traits your ferret will show when he/she loves you.

  • Will play around with you
  • Run for hug
  • Your furry friend lay down in front of you
  • He/ she may also dance

So, by observing the above signs in your ferret you can easily identify if your ferret loves you or not.

Signs of happiness in ferrets

You will be glad to know that a ferret exhibits happiness in multiple ways, making it easier for you to know if your ferret is happy.

Following are signs of happiness in ferrets that you can easily spot and be happy to know that your ferret is happy.

1. A happy ferret pawing the ground

Anytime you notice that your ferret is pawing on the ground it means he/she is inviting you to join. Ferret pawns on the ground when he/she is super active and excited.

To maintain and even increase the happiness and excitement of your furry friend you can join him/her by imitating actions.

In such cases, your ferret is determined to have a wrestling fight and you can do it by faking the same actions.

2. Be attentive to the ferret’s dance of joy

Ferret has a very flexible body which helps them to perform “dance of joy”. Your ferret will throw his/her head back and forth.

Whenever your ferret does it at any time then two things are clear- first, your pet is happy, and second, he/she is inviting you to join.

3. Listen for chirping or barking

Chirping or barking is also one of the signs of happiness in ferrets. Largely, the sound made by ferrets is known as dooking.

how to know if a ferret is happy?

It depends on the nature and behavior of the ferret and how soft or loud the noise your ferret makes. So, it’s a good point to observe the sound made by your ferret.

4. Look for the alligator roll

Rolling river is one of the most common signs of happiness in the ferret. So, there is are higher chance your ferret will show it when he/she is happy.

Ferret rolling over majorly took place when two ferrets played together. They might seem to be in fighting but actually, they are enjoying and showing dominance over others.

In such cases you can watch them rolling over others, this will give your ferret even more happiness.

5. Maintain a healthy environment

As told earlier ferret is quite a fragile animal creature so a healthy environment is an inevitable thing.

Whether your ferret is inside or outside of the cage, the proper care of hygiene is a must thing. Also, any disbalance in it may affect the ferret’s health which ultimately affects ferret happiness.

Also, be attentive to avoid the use of any kind of chemical or fragrance in any form near the ferret’s cage and their playing area.

Signs of unhappiness in ferrets

Knowing signs of unhappiness in ferrets is more important than knowing signs of happiness in ferrets. Because once you identify the unhappiness signs in the ferret and resolve it then your furry friend friend will always be happy.

Following are some important signs of an unhappy ferret:

1. Identify the difference between play and aggression

The dance of joy is the common trait shown by ferrets in both happy and unhappy or threatened situations. So, as a ferret owner, you need to identify the line between these two.

I’m giving you an easy way to identify the difference between the two, if your ferret is aggressive then he/she will step back from you and if your furry ferret is happy then he/she will chirp or bark.

2. Observe if your ferret is hiding a lot

When your ferret is quite old and well-trained and he/she is still hiding either inside or outside of the cage then you need to check on your pet.

As ferrets are highly active and curious animals, they always love to explore new places and hiding isn’t part of their nature.

However, if your furry friend is new then it’s normal if he/she is hiding because everything for your ferret is new in such cases. They need some time to get familiar.

how to know if a ferret is happy?

3. Pay attention to ferret screaming

When the chirp of your ferret changes into screaming then it’s clear that your ferret is unhappy and you need to check on him/her.

Also, your ferret may start with screaming so without a do you must understand that your furry friend is unhappy with something.

4. Companionship

Like a human being ferrets also need companionship in his/her personal space.

If you can’t be available daily for your ferret then it’s great to bring a pet rabbit or cat to give company to your furry friend.

One important thing is to remember to never leave a ferret or any other pet alone in a free space without any observation. For a company, you can keep a ferret in a cage and a pet cat or rabbit freely, or vice-versa.

How do you bond with a ferret?

To develop a bond between you and your ferret you can start with spending time with him/her.

Then gradually start involved in your pet activities, then food, surprise treats, and so on.

One of the best ways that can work for you is to start taking morning or evening walks with your ferret. By doing this you both will spend more time together which helps in developing a great bond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you show a ferret you love them?

By spending quality time, playing games or just being around you can show your love to your furry friend.

How do ferrets show affection?

Hugging, gleeful greeting behavior, and willingness to be around are the most common ways through which ferrers show affection.

How do ferrets show sadness?

A sad ferret will slouch, flatten themselves out, and sigh.

What are signs of boredom in ferrets?

Scratching at enclosure walls’ and ‘sleeping more than normal’ are the most common signs of boredom in ferrets.


So, I believe your question- how to know if a ferret is happy? has been answered.

A happy ferret exhibits various activities or actions to express his/her happiness. Being a good ferret owner you must be able to understand these ferret activities.

If you still have any questions or doubts feel free to comment, and I will help you out.

Thank you for your time.

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