Know the Difference Between Mongoose vs Ferret, Weasel, Mink, Polecat

Ferrets are very active and unique animals but, due to their resemblance with other animals, it is misunderstood and identified.

The resemble animals to ferrets are mongoose, weasel, mind, and polecat. They all belong to the same mammal family- mustelids. But, they all are different from each other.

In this article, I will guide you precisely so that you can spot the difference between mongoose vs ferret, weasel, mink, and polecat animals. So, make sure you read till the end.

The ultimate difference between Mongoose vs Ferret, Weasel, Mink, Polecat

As discussed above all – mongoose, ferret, weasel, mink, and polecat belong to the same family. One more analogy they all share ie all these animals are carnivores.

But these animals differ in habitat, diet, behavior, temperament, and physical characteristics. Which don’t show physically.

During my early days of owning ferrets, I wasn’t able to find the difference between mongoose vs ferret, weasel, mink, polecat.

One fine evening I visited to amusement park with my pet ferret, there were two mongoose in the park as well. Initially, I understood that they both are ferrets.

It was the owner of those mongooses who told me they weren’t ferrets and was surprised. From there on I started my learning with personal experience and consultation.

But, you don’t need to be worried by the end of these posts you will proudly be able to identify the difference between mongoose vs ferret, weasel vs ferret, mink vs ferret, and polecat vs ferret.

Mongoose vs Ferret

Both mongoose and ferret belong to the same mammal family of Mustelids and have the same. Despite of small and similar physical structure, both are different from each other.

Difference Between Mongoose vs Ferret, Weasel, Mink, Polecat

Mongoose has a stockier body as compared to ferrets because mongoose has more muscle density than ferrets. Another physical difference is mongooses have slightly larger ears than mongooses.

But when it comes to color combinations then ferrets are found in more color combinations than mongooses.

Most mongoose exist in gray, rust, brown, or yellow, and ferret coats come in black, brown, gray, and cream shades.

Some other key differences between mongooses and ferrets are:

  • A ferret can up to 2 feet long while a mongoose can be 1 to 3 feet
  • Ferrets like social interaction and mongooses are less or some prefer a solitary lifestyle
  • Mongooses are found in Asia and Africa while ferrets are majorly found in Europe and North America
  •  Mongooses like dry & arid climates while ferrets prefer mild climates

Are ferrets and mongooses the same?

No, ferrets and mongoose aren’t the same.

They are different in both appearance and behavior. Although, there are higher chances as a new ferret or mongoose owner you might get confused between the two.

Also, they share some significant analogies as well.

The best thing is both ferrets and mongooses are good pets and they are highly loved and appreciated by their owner.

Weasel vs Ferret

Weasels and ferrets are both small carnivore pet animals. They belong to the same Mustelinae subfamily.

On physical appearances, they are quite similar which is why they misunderstood each other. Because both have the same white or brown marks on their body.

Difference Between Mongoose vs Ferret, Weasel, Mink, Polecat

Ferrets are larger than weasels. Also, the hunting style and sleeping time of both pets are quite different. Weasels are mostly active during the day so they do hunting during the day as well.

On the other hand, ferrets are the opposite to it. Ferrets are nocturnal animals which means they sleep during the day and are active at night. The ferrets do hunting at night.

Adding chart below to some of the major differences between weasels and ferrets.

DietRats, rabbits, mice, birdsVoles, rats, mice, bird eggs birds
Lifespan5-10 years4-6 years
Size8-20 inches10-12 inches
ColorBlack/dark brown, sometimes with cream markingsLight brown / tan with white underside
LocationNorth America, Africa, Asia, & EuropeSouth America, Asia, Europe, North Africa
Weight4.5-5 pounds1-13 ounces
TrainabiltyModerate Poor

Can weasels be pets?

Are weasels legal to keep as pets? Since weasels are considered wild animals and exotic pets, they are illegal in some states and localities.

California, Hawaii, Washington D.C., New York City, and other localities ban keeping weasels and ferrets as pets.

Mink vs Ferret

Mink and ferret may look similar but they are different.

They both are carnivore mammals and belong to the Weasel or Mustelid family. All ferrets belong to the Mustela genus while mink can be the Neogale or Mustela genus.

Difference Between Mongoose vs Ferret, Weasel, Mink, Polecat

The major difference between the two is that ferrets are easy lovely home pets while minks are too wild to be petted.

Mink is a solitary animal except during mating while ferrets are socially active animals. Both of them can be left in small spaces.

Mink is primarily found in marshlands in North America while ferrets live on dry, grassy plains. Below is a table showing some of the key differences between mink and ferrets.

Size8-20 inch12-18
Lifespan5-10 years6-11 years
Friendly or as petYesNo
HabitatModerateFerrets live on dry, grassy plains.
LocationNorth America, Africa, Asia, & EuropeMink is mainly found in marshlands in North America.
Weight1.5-4.5 lbs2-7 lbs

Polecat vs Ferret

Polecats and ferrets belong to the same Mustelinae family. They are one of the closest similar animals.

Both polecats and ferrets share almost the same appearances and body dimensions. So, it becomes too hard to distinguish between a polecat and a ferret. Sometimes even an experienced ferret or polecat owner gets confused.

Difference Between Mongoose vs Ferret, Weasel, Mink, Polecat

For a better and clearer understanding of polecat vs ferret let’s deep dive into some of the top differences between the two.

An adult polecat has a larger head size than an adult ferret. When it comes to size, a polecat can grow up to 1-1.5 feet long and a ferret can grow up to 2 feet.

From a habitat point of view, a polecat exists in Africa, and Europe, and prefers to live near water, while ferrets are found in Europe, North America, and households.

A ferret is a social animal, making it a more popular household pet, while a polecat is a solitary preferred creature.

Are ferrets and polecats the same?

No, ferrets and polecats aren’t the same.

They look so close to the same, but behavioral and dimensional differences exist.

What is the difference between polecat and mink?

Both polecat and mink are way different from each other.

Polecat’s body is mostly covered with dark guard hair with creamy underfur. On the polecat’s muzzle is a dark facial mask, white fur, and white ear margins.

On the other hand, mink is uniformly dark brown. Sometimes there are white chin and white patches present on the chest, belly, and groin

However, both animal creatures are almost the same in size.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is A mongoose A rodent?

No, a mongoose is not a rodent. A mongoose is an omnivore and they eat rats, lizards, snakes, fish, crabs, frogs, & more.

Do weasels carry rabies?

Yes, weasels carry rabies, but only 1.2% of the weasels.

Are minks aggressive towards humans?

Yes, minks are very aggressive towards humans.

Do polecats bite?

Yes, polecats mainly bite the opponent’s neck.


Now you know the difference between mongoose vs ferret, weasel, mink, polecat.

These pets belong to the same mammal family- mustelids. This is the major reason behind their strong resemblance to each other.

But, all these mammals are different in color, size, lifespan, and more. Depending on their habitat you can choose them as a pet.

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