What Does It Mean When A Ferret Licks You? How to Stop Your Ferret Licking You

Have you ever asked or wondered- what does it mean when a ferret licks you?

As a ferret owner, you must have experienced that your ferret often licks you or tries to do so. But, did you know what it means?

Does he/she indicate something, show comfort, express hunger, or something else?

In this article, I will answer all these questions with my personal experience and learning. So, make sure you read till the end.

What does it mean when a ferret licks? There are various behind ferrets lick you, like showing affection, seeking attention, or inspecting smell. However, if a ferret licks you for a longer time then you should contact a ferret veterinarian.

What does it mean when a ferret licks you?

As a new ferret owner, you might ask- why does my ferret lick me?

As mentioned above being a new ferret owner, licking of ferrets will be new to you, so getting to know it will be great to be with your furry friend.

What does it mean when a ferret licks you?

Broadly if your ferret is licking you then consider it a positive sign. Ferrets show affection, seek attention, build bonds with owners, and more.

But, like excess of everything isn’t good, so excess ferret licking is also not a positive sign.

Meaning of ferret licking

  • Ferret may like lotion on your skin that contains salt
  • Your ferret may be grooming you
  • They may seek comfort
  • To show happiness ferret licks

Reasons why your ferret is licking you

Your question- what does it mean when a ferret licks you? is answered here with reason and an explanation.

These are the most common observed reasons for licking your ferret. By the end of these reasons, you will answer- what does it mean when a ferret licks you?

1. It’s checking on you

Like other pet animals ferret too can’t communicate verbally. So, they understand and communicate with their owners through body language, facial expressions, and more.

Ferret licking is quite normal when you bring a ferret to your place. The licking of ferrets is also quite normal when you apply appealing body lotion or perfume.

2. Happy to see you

Like kids, pets too are very close to their owners, and when they see owners after a gap they run to show their love and affection.

The same applies to ferrets as well, if you have had a ferret for quite some you must have experienced it.

My furry friend always runs to me and starts attempting to be in my arms when I come home after work. So, yeah your furry is happy and licks you so just relax and make him/her relax as well.

Ferret licking is one of the best ways to know if a ferret is happy or not.

3. Your ferret is afraid

Ferret is indeed predator to many animals but predators of ferrets make them afraid as well. An afraid ferret screech that makes it easier for you to identify it.

When your ferret is nearby during fear mode then chances are he will jump over you and start licking and my bite too.

4. You smell good

When you have a pleasant aroma or smell in your body then it attracts ferrets.

This could of anything like soap, perfume, or any cream. The smell of other pet animals like rabbits, hamsters, cats, and more from your body also attracts ferrets strongly.

The reason is simple, all these animals are prey to the ferrets so they are tempted by these animals’ smell.

5. You taste good

Being a carnivore animals make ferrets rich is consuming protein and this comes in meat is the major food of ferrets.

What does it mean when a ferret licks you?

If you have salt in your finger then ferret state licking it. Salt could be from your sweating, cooking, and more.

So, they lick to consume the salt present on your finger skin.

6. Your ferret saying “Look at me”

If your ferret suddenly came to you and started licking then there are higher chances that he/she might be saying “Look At Me”.

They can also jump, scratch, or roll down at your feet. In such cases, he/she wants your full attention.

The main reason behind this is your ignorance or busyness at work. It makes your ferret feel to be alone and discomfort, it is when they attempt to catch your focus.

7. Seeking comfort

Ferret only seeks comfort when they are uncomfortable. Otherwise, ferret nature is quite peaceful and social but whether it’s humans or animals everyone gets uncomfortable when things happen opposite to them.

This discomfort also applies to ferrets as well along with cats and dogs.

Identifying the source of discomfort is the ultimate solution. Even, if ferrets lick you in such a case then instead of waiting to let it pass, find the reason and solve it.

The reason for ferrets’ discomfort could be fear of predators, excess noise, and missing owners.

How to Stop Your Ferret Licking You

Ferret licking isn’t a bad or negative practice until it’s too often and your furry friend isn’t in pain or discomfort.

It’s possible that despite being a proud ferret owner, you don’t like licking your ferret. So, here I’m mentioning the most effective way to stop your ferret from licking you.

Find the cause

This is the initial or first step to stop your ferret from licking you. Your furry friend might lick you because he/she is in pain, unhealthy, discomfort, and more.

So, finding the cause of licking will help you rapidly stop your ferret from licking. If your ferret seeking to play then provide him/her with some toys to engage and play with.

Distract your furry friend

Whether it’s human or animal, destruction either stops or procrastinates the currently doing action and this applies to ferret licking as well.

The best distraction for the ferret could be a new set of toys, surprise treats, and a new cage. You can do this when you figure out that your ferret is going to lick you.

The good part is ferret distraction will every time because inherently ferrets like these surprise distractions.

Speak to a ferret veterinarian

It’s also possible that you may be unable to figure out why your ferret is licking you.

In such a case, without any delay, you should contact your ferret veterinarian. It will make both you and your furry relax and sort out.

What does it mean when a ferret licks you?

The licking time and pattern of ferrets is also quite weird which makes it hard to understand. In such cases too, the veterinarian is the best way to go.

Change your smell

Like cats and dogs, ferrets also have a great sense of smell. The strong smell power makes your furry friend smell your body and fingers.

So, if you have eaten meat then your ferret will start licking your fingers without any delay because meat is the prime food of a ferret.

So, yeah be careful when you are holding your pet after non-ver meals.

Wash Your hands

Wash your hand, if you haven’t washed it for a longer time. Because ferrets start licking even your sweated finger as it is salty.

Also wash your hands after preparing food, even the smell of any kind of cooking ingredients makes your ferret on for licking.

What does it mean when a ferret licks then bites you?

As mentioned above, the possible reason behind ferret licking. But, what does it mean when a ferret licks then bites you?

Although ferret biting after licking happens very rarely, as the ferret is a curious and super active pet then anytime he/she may bite.

Possible reasons for ferrets biting after licking

  • He/she might be in pain
  • Annoyed or angry because of ignorance
  • Doesn’t like food
  • Not like a cage or surrounding
  • Being abused also may turn into biting

According to Ferret Association of Connecticut, ferrets also bite to get attention from you. Like when you’re super busy with your work and can’t get for your ferret.

In such a case, he/ she will reach your lap then start licking and then biting. So, make sure to take care of the ferret’s mood along with food and health.

Why does my ferret lick me?

There are multiple reasons behind ferret lick. Each varies with the vary of ferret of mood and mode.

Generally, licking of ferrets is taken as a positive sign. In such cases, your furry ferret will show affection, love, bonding, and more.

On the other hand, if ferrets are frightened or angry then they also lick but in such a situation, they may also bite you.

So, yeas as ferret owner you be giving proper time to your furry friend. Taking care of his/her food, health checkups, playing time, and more.

So, have you got the answer- what does it mean when a ferret licks you?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do ferrets show affection to their owners?

Gleeful greeting behavior, hugs, and kisses are the ways through which ferrets show affection to their owners.

Do ferrets lick their lips when stressed?

Yes, ferrets lick their lips when stressed.

Do ferrets like to be held?

Yes, ferrets enjoy their owner’s company because of their socially active nature.

Do ferrets like to sleep together?

Once two ferrets develop the bond between themselves. They love to sleep together on both sides or over one another.

Do ferrets bite to show affection?

Yes, to show affection and seek attention give a light bite.


Now you have known- what does it mean when a ferret licks you?

Ferrets lick to express their happiness, affection, boding, grooming you, and sometimes anger and pain.

Always make sure you have taken care of your furry friend’s health, hygiene, treats, and checkups. So, that your ferret can give you a positive licking.

There are also multiple ways to stop your ferret from licking you. Like creating a distraction, changing your body and skin smell, identifying the reasons, and more.

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