Have you ever searched or wondered the question- what is a ferreter?
A person who hunts with or using ferrets is called a ferreter.
In this article, you will get to know- what is ferreting, the history of ferreting, ferreting as a sports, I ferreting is illegal or legal, and more.
So, make sure to read till the end to know everything about ferreters and ferreting.
a person who hunts with a ferret. uses as a helper in hunting, help in getting aware of surroundings and other animals,
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What is a Ferreter?
In simple words, a person who hunts with the help of a ferret is known as a ferreted. Currently, the process of hunting using ferrets isn’t a popular practice in the United States.
But, it has a long and old history which you will know later in this article.
People in Scotland, Finland, and the United Kindom are quite familiar with the term ferreter. A ferret helps a hunting person in many ways during the whole journey of hunting.

A ferret brings any unknown or suspicious thing into the light which helps the hunter to move forward.
As a ferret is one of the most loyal animals towards humans which makes the creature more special in hunting. As a ferret, you might not like this way utilization of ferret.
Ferret is used to catch and control the excess number of animals like rats, rabbits, and vermin,
uses a ferret in catching or killing rats, rabbits, and other vermin.
What is ferreting?
The whole sum process of using a ferret for hunting by a person is called ferreting.
It’s important to note that there number of ferrets can be more than one for hunting depending on the number of animals they have to hunt for.
The long, lean, and flexible bodies of ferrets provide them an extra advantage of entering into the tiny holes of rats, moles, and rabbits.
This helps in chasing sequence through these small places, which is why ferrets are best for hunting rabbits, rats, and more such animals.
Why ferret is used for ferreting?
Being a ferret owner, you might think, why is a ferret being used? or it’s not the right thing to use ferrets in such a way. Whether as ferreting sports or for controlling rabbits or rodent populations.
95% or more of resident rabbits can be removed when ferreting correctly.
But, there are some major advantages of using ferrets over any other animals. The major one is ferrets are lighter weight and more flexible than any other carnivore animals.
So, in remote and densely populated areas it’s safer to use ferrets as they are also less economically damaged.
Ferreting history and present
Ferrets have a long history of being used as ferreting before becoming a popular household pet.
In the United States ferreting was happening from 1860 till the beginning of World War 2. In West America, ferrets were used to protect grain stores from rodents.

In 2009, the government of Finland allowed ferreting in the city of Helsinki to control the rabbit population. As rabbits destroyed crops of the formers so, they made an appeal to the government for the population control of the ferret.
At present, some countries still use ferreting one of them is the United Kingdom. They use ferrets to control the population of rabbits and rodents in their fields.
However, there are some arguments from expert environmentalists. They claim that using ferrets to kill rabbits, rats, and vermin can create ecological imbalance.
How does ferreting work?
As ferreting is being used as a sport and the most effective way to control rabbit populations. In most cases, it’s farmers who participate in ferreting.
As the crop of farmers is being damaged by the excess number of ferrets. Sometimes it’s being noticed that many former owned ferrets just to hunt rabbits in their field.
The following are the major steps involved in ferreting:
- The first step is obtaining permission from the landowner owner before ferreting
- Then enter ferrets in rabbit holes with the other end covered by nets
- And when rabbits try to escape they are either caught by ferrets or stuck in the net at the other end
Is ferreting a sport?
yes, ferreting is a sport.
In Scotland, ferreting is quite popular and is used for both in sport and controlling the rabbit population.
Like any other sport, ferreting is also quite known and liked by ferret owners. In Scotland, the number of rabbits is quite huge which is why it is being used both for safety from the ferret’s prey and crop safety.
The popularity and impact of ferreting such high that many companies in Scotland provide ferreting sports.
One of the most popular companies is Country Sport Scotland. All you need to sign up with your basic necessary details, and then the company will take of the rest of the things.
Is ferreting legal?
The practice is illegal in several countries where it is feared that ferrets could unbalance the ecology. endangerment of black-footed ferrets is also the reason to stop it now
Countries like Scotland and Finland where ferret-legging or ferreting takes place to save former crops and balance rabbit number
What is the ferreting of rats?
The process of hunting of rats by ferrets in the presence of farmers in their respective fields is known as the ferreting of rats.
As ferrets are a carvinores nature and predators of rats so, they are highly effective in hunting and killing rats.
You can also use a ferret to hunt rats at your place as well. Ferrets have great speed, flexibility, and grit so they effectively chase and kill the rats.
Other rats ferrets have also been used to catch and kill mice, and rabbits. So ferret can be a great cleaner caretaker of your place as well.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is ferret legging a sport?
Yes, it’s a sport in Scotland. But it’s on the verge of endangerment to lesser participation.
When was ferret legging invented?
The ferret-legging invention is disputed. Some say it started in Scotland and some say it the popular among coal miners in Yorkshire, England.
What is ferreting a rabbit?
Ferreting a rabbit is the traditional form of controlling the rabbit population.
Now, you get the answer- what is a ferreter?
A ferreter is the person or individual who uses a ferret for hunting and this whole process is known as ferreting.
Ferreting is being practiced as a sport and an effective form of controlling the ferret population. It’s being used in Finland and the United Kingdom.